Publications & Maps
Conservation Handouts
Restoration Handouts

Ashley Creek Restoration Handout
Flathead Conservation Stories – Videos

Protecting Our Land and Water for the Next Generation, by Flathead Land Trust

“Farming is not a living, it’s a way of life,” by Montana Land Reliance

Stories from the Land – the Glenn and Hazel Johnston conservation easement

Conservation partners preserve the Flathead River one property at a time, by MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Planting buffers for clean water, by Flathead Lakers & River Steward Program

Flathead River Floods (Flathead County GIS): 1964, 1975 and 1991
Interactive Maps
Flathead Brochures
Living in Flathead Guide
Living in Flathead Guide: A neighbor’s guide to living responsibly in the Flathead.
Restoration Studies
R2L Initiative Reports
- 2012 River to Lake Initiative Analysis of Conservation Success, Flathead River, Montana
- 2010 Flathead River Channel Migration Zone Report (11MB)
- 2009 Critical Water Resources Report
- Bird Biodiversity in the Flathead River Basin: A Conservation Hotspot in the Yellowstone to Yukon Corridor, 2005, by Mahr and Jones, Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative and Montana State University Landscape Biodiversity Lab, Montana
- 2004 Critical Lands Status Report Update, The North Flathead Valley & The Flathead River Corridor, Flathead Basin, Montana
- 2002 Critical Lands Status Report and Maps
** Flathead River Map – to order copies ($2 each) contact the Flathead Lakers at 883-1341 or email